Well, so that she learns to use the glass in the most economic way possible. Glass is not cheap, although its all inclusive on our courses. Anyone thinking about continuing to make leaded glass after they have finished a course, had better make sure that their tuitor can teach them to think into a sheet or a set of shapes, because if these basics are not learned from the start then its going to cost you a lot of money in wasted glass. But don`t worry there`s always a trusty tuitor out there willing to shovel glass down your throat. Rant over!

Glass layout is now starting to happen progressively,and with what looks like a good choice

of colour and textures we`re all looking forward to seeing Renee`s Humming bird finished

Bonjour from Paris! Just found your blog by accident. You might find this photo kind of amusing for its faux stained glass windows:
absolutely fascinating to see the work in progress....I'd love to see some more finished pieces additionally!
Great blog! I like seeing the process.
Tiffany Stained Glass Lamps
Hello from America....I was googling "stained glass classes" and your web blog was one of my many choices. I thought it would be interesting to check out Glasgow stained glass. A chapel here in Cambridge Massachusetts has beautiful old stained glass from the Scottish masters as I was told on a tour. I thought, let me see what the people who are known for being the best at stained glass do in there classes. I am sorry I am so far away...it looks like a good time with a fun bunch of people learning a beautiful art. Maybe I will visit someday, I want very much to see Scotland where my father's ancestors are from, MacMillan is my maiden name.
Best wishes and keep up the beautiful work ! - Alexandra
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