First past the post tonight its Zen Master John Campbell, I suppose I could have kept him out in the cold until 7.00 PM. But I`m known for my kind heart!!!
Who will be next, is enthusiasm running high tonight. As I write the door bell goes again and its Stephen!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Is that a Selenium red your holding, or are you just pleased to see me

Mission accomplished, "I`ve got your sheep, everyone of them"
Tess apparently made it here tonight unscathed. What happened at Bells bridge, both Gilian and Tess worked quite happily together all evening, with Bill working merrily across from them. And the pony tail thing?, a sign of new alliances?
Are Michael (the engineer) and Glass Master Joe the only people out of the loop?
Cuttin` up Freida
Ruths design finalised, templates ready, glass being cut, building and leading starts next week.

The ghostly figure of Glass Master Joe looks on as Ruth "Robette" relives a moment from her recent foray down in Sailsbury

The ghostly figure of Glass Master Joe looks on as Ruth "Robette" relives a moment from her recent foray down in Sailsbury

Meanwhile, over in the blue corner
Bill, resplendant as usual, has been busy hacking out pale blue poppies for his delicate poppy window

Ruth "Robette" breaking off a piece of grey glass for her Frieda Kahlo window.

In the background Bill shares a rather crude joke with Glass Master Joe, who listens on a bit to enthusiastically!

Glass Mistress Yvonne in a dinky little pony tail, suggesting some antique flesh tones to Tess in another dinky little pony tail.

Michael (the Veggie) in YET another dinky little pony tail builds his panel, whilst Michael (the Engineer) and Glass Master Joe wonder what in hell is going on with all of these pony tails.

Well, what they were really discussing was colour and texture for Michaels tree panel, which is starting to progress nicely!

Ruth "Robette" breaking off a piece of grey glass for her Frieda Kahlo window.

In the background Bill shares a rather crude joke with Glass Master Joe, who listens on a bit to enthusiastically!

Glass Mistress Yvonne in a dinky little pony tail, suggesting some antique flesh tones to Tess in another dinky little pony tail.

Michael (the Veggie) in YET another dinky little pony tail builds his panel, whilst Michael (the Engineer) and Glass Master Joe wonder what in hell is going on with all of these pony tails.

Well, what they were really discussing was colour and texture for Michaels tree panel, which is starting to progress nicely!
Its Tuesday Night and its Building Night
All design work is now done, templates have been cut, glass is being chosen and panels are being built, all in the space of 7 short weeks!!!!!!

Gillian with a piece of amber glass that is destined to be part of a daffodil petal.

Hey presto! Daffodil petals

Everybody is busy concentrating on the task ahead, Tess is cutting, Michael is building and Gillian is pondering before she cuts!

Michael with all glass cut is progressing really well leading his panel!

Gillian with a piece of amber glass that is destined to be part of a daffodil petal.

Hey presto! Daffodil petals

Everybody is busy concentrating on the task ahead, Tess is cutting, Michael is building and Gillian is pondering before she cuts!

Michael with all glass cut is progressing really well leading his panel!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
For the benefit of Mr Kite

Glass Master Joe "aka Mr Ferranti" limbers up for another tuesday night of maddness and mayhem.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Tuesday is a workng day for some
Swooping low over the countryside, Tess blinks her left eye, a grab line darts out of the Chinooks cargo door and nabs another sheep. "God almighty!", she mutters," these U.S. Marine flight helmets are bloody fantastic, yeeve just got to blink and you`ve got your sheep....
Sailsbury Plain...... A Ministry of Defence spokesman announced the suspension of all British Army training operations in the area until furher notice. Rumours are flying through the mess halls of a naked blue woman rampaging and pillaging through the Sailsbury area. All troops have been confined to barracks for their own safety and until the crisis abates........
"There must be bloody good money in sheep these days if she can afford the running costs of a Cobra Attack Helicopter, time for a corporate take over" Bill surmises to himself, as he reads the instruction manuale that came with the recently arrived Boeing Avenger Air Defence System, "Ebay is right fantastic!".......
"Right children, don`t forget, keep out of sight until the Cobra lands. She always crosses Bells Bridge. Group one will trail her from the Glasgow Science Centre and Group two will catch her in the nets as she comes off the bridge on the northern side. Good luck with tonights mission Chaps!
The children stare with deep intent at the chalkboard plan of tonights mission.
It looks some what like the design for a flower garden stained glass window.
Up at the allotment the two Michael twins are busily putting the final touches to the rocketship, that Michael the veggie hopes will take him and his family to the safety of the Vegatarius Star System. "I don`t know what we would have done without your engineering skills he proclaims to Michael the engineer. Are you sure you wont come with us."
" No, I`m much older than you and someone has got to stay and stop this pillaging of the countryside." He knows that later on this evening he is meeting someone who has just acquired a Boeing Avenger Air Defence System, "it might just help he thinks to himself.".................
Will everyone arrive safely for tonights glass class, lets wait and see!
Sailsbury Plain...... A Ministry of Defence spokesman announced the suspension of all British Army training operations in the area until furher notice. Rumours are flying through the mess halls of a naked blue woman rampaging and pillaging through the Sailsbury area. All troops have been confined to barracks for their own safety and until the crisis abates........
"There must be bloody good money in sheep these days if she can afford the running costs of a Cobra Attack Helicopter, time for a corporate take over" Bill surmises to himself, as he reads the instruction manuale that came with the recently arrived Boeing Avenger Air Defence System, "Ebay is right fantastic!".......
"Right children, don`t forget, keep out of sight until the Cobra lands. She always crosses Bells Bridge. Group one will trail her from the Glasgow Science Centre and Group two will catch her in the nets as she comes off the bridge on the northern side. Good luck with tonights mission Chaps!
The children stare with deep intent at the chalkboard plan of tonights mission.
It looks some what like the design for a flower garden stained glass window.
Up at the allotment the two Michael twins are busily putting the final touches to the rocketship, that Michael the veggie hopes will take him and his family to the safety of the Vegatarius Star System. "I don`t know what we would have done without your engineering skills he proclaims to Michael the engineer. Are you sure you wont come with us."
" No, I`m much older than you and someone has got to stay and stop this pillaging of the countryside." He knows that later on this evening he is meeting someone who has just acquired a Boeing Avenger Air Defence System, "it might just help he thinks to himself.".................
Will everyone arrive safely for tonights glass class, lets wait and see!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Living the Life
I know! I know! What`s a refugee from Glasgow Detail doing on this site. Well I didn`t open the door

Stewart The Goth turned up at the last moment, with his latest concept.
Flushed with the success of his crash helmet made from supernarket polly bags, he has decided to replace his head with a living flame fire!
Rather fetching!

Stewart The Goth turned up at the last moment, with his latest concept.
Flushed with the success of his crash helmet made from supernarket polly bags, he has decided to replace his head with a living flame fire!
Rather fetching!
Don`t Walk Away Renee
Another evening over and its home and free for another week!

How is it possible to be this good looking, without wearing a beret?

How is it possible to be this good looking, without wearing a beret?
Ain`t it funny how time drifts away
Glass Mistress Yvonne, showing how an akward cut is achieved, notice how interested everybody is!

Well! It was well after the end of the evening, so you are all forgiven!

Well! It was well after the end of the evening, so you are all forgiven!
On approaching a workbench.
It does absolutely no harm to indulge in a little bit of relaxing meditation, prior to approaching a glass workbench.

John is now near the end of cutting the glass for his panel and will begin leading and building it next week.

John is now near the end of cutting the glass for his panel and will begin leading and building it next week.

Choosing colour is important
No this is not the file room of some fancy law practice!

Elaine has given herself the unenviable task of rummaging through our extensive glass cullet boxes to find those little bits of glass that will be just right for her window.
But then you havn`t seen her design yet! Have you?

Elaine has given herself the unenviable task of rummaging through our extensive glass cullet boxes to find those little bits of glass that will be just right for her window.
But then you havn`t seen her design yet! Have you?
No Blood on the Tracks
I know!, where`s all the blood? Well we showed everybody the plaster that we keep for emergencies, and told them when they were finished with it, to give it a wash in case anyone else dared need it. So far it has stayed in its dinkey little wrapper, where it has happily live for many years!

Sheila and Renee have now reached the stage of final template cutting and will be on to creating and building their panels over the coming weeks. As you can see from their concentration they are still having immense fun. On the back wall is the sketch for the panel that Sheila will be creating.

Sheila and Renee have now reached the stage of final template cutting and will be on to creating and building their panels over the coming weeks. As you can see from their concentration they are still having immense fun. On the back wall is the sketch for the panel that Sheila will be creating.
Aren`t Eureka moments all the same
At long last Stephen had finally wrenched an original, and rather good, design from the murky depths of his soul. This is the same guy who turned up here thinking we were the Glasgow branch of Zen Meditation Inc. and just stayed muttering " I can`t draw, I know nothing about art" So watch this space, it should be rather interesting!

What are we going to do with you?
Nanette still pondering about a design, takes time out for a photo call!

Its going to have to be thumb screws and an iron maiden next week I think!

Its going to have to be thumb screws and an iron maiden next week I think!
And the Wind cries Mary
Thursday evening started much the same way as it always does, oddley!
One of our two secondary side building benches, which are 6 x 8 feet and very heavy, decided to do a Sufi whirl around the main workshop. None of us at the time noticed it happening. It was only when I unloaded the camera that this image appeared. But I am left wondering "Is this a regular occurance?"
Rather supernatural, I think you will all agree.
One of our two secondary side building benches, which are 6 x 8 feet and very heavy, decided to do a Sufi whirl around the main workshop. None of us at the time noticed it happening. It was only when I unloaded the camera that this image appeared. But I am left wondering "Is this a regular occurance?"
Rather supernatural, I think you will all agree.

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